Kirwan’s first.

Hey! We are KIRWAN the band and for the longest time we’ve wanted to start a blog.

Why you ask?

Well that’s an easy answer!

We both feel that God has blessed us with a beautiful story and testimony, one which people often ask us to share more of, blogging is a great way to do so.

What better time to start than now, the New Year! Happy New Year, it’s already 2023 wow!

These past three years of our lives have felt like a crazy supersonic rollercoaster ride, a great adventure…

2020 kickstarted with our marriage to each other, we tied the knot in Ireland among family and friends, it was a beautiful dream winter wedding. Soon after we packed our suitcases and moved across the ocean to Nashville TN, where we officially met and where Colm had been living for over a decade, however due to the COVID 19 pandemic we moved all the way back to Ireland 2 short months later.

During that time every show we had booked had been cancelled, therefore our entire income evaporated over night. We both did what was necessary and got jobs working as cleaners/janitors in a

department store in Omagh, not quite how we imagined our first few months of marriage to look like. (more of this story for another day).

Working during the height of lockdown we saved enough money to go backpacking when restrictions temporarily lifted in Europe. We walked the ‘El Camino De Santiago,’ an ancient pilgrimage path 550 miles across Spain to the relics of St James the Apostle in Santiago.

Somehow, still in this temporary window where restrictions had been lifted, we celebrated an unexpected honeymoon in Italy spending time in both Rome and Assisi, of course minus all the usual thousands of tourists, we quietly navigated and explored these beautiful cities, the Churches, Cathedrals, ancient architecture, all the history, whilst drinking amazing cafe espresso, fine wines, and eating copious amounts of Pizza, Pasta, Gelato and Tiramisu (our favorite).

Although we loved being back with family in Ireland, our Nashville Music City Dreams were still very much alive and calling. An opportunity came our way and the door to America for music opened once more, although via Tijuana Mexico, where we had to quarantine for 2 weeks before entering the USA. (again a whole other story for another day, God is good.)

In 2021, now back in Tennessee, we launched our first kickstarter campaign to record our debut album, which is now SO SO close to completion and release! (Watch this space!!!!!)

The most monumental change in our lives though, also came in 2021, we found out we were pregnant! From the beginning of our marriage we have always prayed for children and been open to life and on July 5th 2022 God answered those prayers as we welcomed into the world our beautiful daughter ‘Chiara Joy Kirwan’ weighing in at a whopping 9lbs 8.5oz. A bundle of our pure joy and love. (This too is certainly a story for a whole other day. All Mothers love a good birth story!)

All this is merely a glance at the past three years. But as we reflect on our journey to date we are continually reminded of how God is in all of the details. There have been many highs and lows, big life changes, obstacles and challenges that we have had to face together in these first three short years of marriage, but we’re a team, a duo, a partnership, equally yoked we do it all together so it makes it all that little bit easier and much more meaningful.

We feel very blessed and full of gratitude for this great adventure and journey of life together, we don’t know what God has planned for us ahead, we don’t need to, all we need is each other and together to say “yes, thy will be done.” We trust He will provide everything we need along the way. We have faith. What a glorious gift it is, this wonderful life we all live.

A very blessed 2023 to each and every one of you, we’re praying for you, please keep our wee family in your prayers too! Until we meet again. We love ya!

New Blog Posts and New Music coming real soon.

Much Love,

KIRWAN the band <3


Love at first sight?